We all know how to moisturize, make-up, and pamper our skin with cosmetics…but most people DON’T know that what you EAT can make more of a difference in your skin than anything in your bathroom cupboard. In fact, there is an all-star cast of skin-boosting superfoods right now at the local supermarket. Here is our secret list of the 5 best foods for your skin.

Sure. The Fantastic Four are great. And I love Charlie’s Angels as much as the next gal.
But when it comes to skin health, there is NOT a more dynamic roster out there that can compare with our all-star list.
These foods have been chosen for their distinct abilities to elevate skin health across many different categories – whether it is to help moisturize, detoxify, heal/regenerate, or protect.
Like any great team, each of these five foods play a unique part in contributing to overall skin health. Think of it like Mother Nature’s version of the ’85 Bears. (I think that’s the one my Dad always talked about?)
Anyways. You get the point. Let’s meet the skin all-stars.
More Tomatoes Please.
Key Super Power: The best natural source of lycopene, a secret anti-oxidant that your skin craves.
That’s right, bring on the marinara! Because believe it or not, the plump red tomatoes in your favorite Mediterranean dishes are the number one best food for your skin.
The secret to the tomatoes super skin boosting power is that it is nature’s richest source of a carotenoid called ‘Lycopene’. Lycopene acts as an anti-oxidant in your skin. Protecting your natural collagen levels, limiting sun damage, and even regulating sebum levels.1
The result is softer skin with less visible imperfections, and greater moisture balance.
The best part about our number one skin all star is that adding it to your diet is easy!
Add some cherry tomatoes (highest in lycopene 2) to your salad, or make a tasty and healthy ‘Caprese’ at your next Summer cookout.
I’ll Have the Salmon.
Key Super Power: Omega-3s protect the membranes of our skin, and reduce inflammation.
Healthy fatty fish, like tuna & salmon, swam their way near the top of our list, and for good reason. In fact, some healthy skin food lists even rank fatty fish ahead of tomatoes!
The reason why fish is SO healthy for your skin, is their rich, natural Omega-3 content.
You may have heard of Omega-3 before, especially regarding how it can support cardiovascular / heart health, but research is showing that it is just as powerful for your skin as well.
Omega-3s protect cell membranes in your skin, which not only keep out pollutants, but also allow good nutrients in.3
These healthy fatty acids also reduce the body’s production of inflammatory compounds, which contribute to the aging process of our skin.
With all the skin-boosting goodness of fish, you won’t just feel good ordering the salmon, you might just look better because of it.
She Thinks my Guac is Sexy.
Key Super Power: Rich in healthy fats like oleic acid & linoleic acid, which reduces inflammation and cleanse your skin.
Guacamole often comes with some guilt if over-indulging at a Tex-Mex joint, but when added to your diet healthfully, these little green beauties can be one of the best foods for your skin.
In addition to be being excellent sources of healthy dietary fat, guacamole has linoleic (you may have heard of ALA – Alpha Linoleic Acid) and oleic acids that boost collagen production and nourish your skin.4
Avocado is also high in chlorophyl – the phytonutrient found in several of the world’s healthiest vegetables, that also gives this fruit its green hue.
Among its numerous health benefits, chlorophyl helps reduce wrinkles and sun damage to your skin by absorbing UV light, helping your body create a sort of natural sun protectant.5
For all these reasons, avocado is one of our top skin-boosting foods. The cool part about avocados is that they are even effective when applied topically-
It sounds a bit strange, but an a DIY avocado mask can work wonders for your skin. If you can get over the lumpy, green aromatic sensation.
I’m Going Nuts.
Key Super Power: High in zinc, vitamin E, and omega-6 fatty acids which help skin thrive.
With the rise of the ketogenic diet, and other low-carb ways of eating, healthy nuts like walnuts and almonds have become an integral part of our modern diet.
While most of the buzz around eating nuts today focus on their convenience as a short-term, nutrient-dense energy source and snack, they also provide impressive benefits to your hair and skin.
Walnuts, in particular, are one of nature’s most potent skin-boosting foods because of their unique micronutrient composition.
Walnuts contain zinc, vitamin E, and selenium, which act as antioxidants to protect the skin from bacteria and reduce inflammation.6
We also love how walnuts contain a balance of both omega-3 AND omega-6 fatty acids to protect the skin barrier and reduce wrinkles.
Another Reason to Love Chocolate…
Key Super Power: natural antioxidants, vitamins, and fatty acids.
Not that we needed another excuse to eat chocolate, but this certainly helps ease some of the guilt!
Dark chocolate is high in oleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid, all of which contribute to soft skin and increase elasticity to prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
Quality cocoa also contains several essential antioxidants that reduce free-radical damage and keep skin from aging prematurely.
Tip: Choose a dark chocolate (70% or greater) to get the most nutritional benefit. Our Cosmic Chocolate Gemini Meal Replacement uses 75% dark French Cocoa. Hint. Hint.
In Summary:
Here is your quick-reference shopping list of foods that boost skin health:
- Tomatoes
- Fatty Fish
- Avocados
- Walnuts
- Chocolate
BONUS: The last item on any comprehensive skin-healthy shopping list should be a high quality collagen peptide supplement, like our Aquarius™ Collagen Beauty Booster.
Collagen peptides replenish your supply of collagen, which begins to deplete as we age. Collagen is the main protein found in the dermis layer, and is responsible for the ‘plumpness’ and softness of your skin.
Make sure to choose the Peptide form of collagen (like our Aquarius™ collagen), versus a traditional collagen made from the complete proteins. Peptides are proven more bioavailable, and effective than the generic form.8
Recommended Reading:
- Holiday ‘Jingle Balls’ – A Festive Take on No-Bake Protein Balls - December 20, 2023
- Cryptic Cold Brew – A Must-Try for the Most Mischievous - October 31, 2023
- Does Protein Powder Make You Gain Weight? - October 4, 2022