20 Resolutions to Help You Live Your Best Life in 2020.

Posted on January 1st, 2020 By in Fitness Hacks Read Time: 8 mins.

Well, it is now officially the year 2020 (wait…HOW?😯). The beginning of a new year, a new decade, and what we think will be YOUR best year yet. And to help you get your year started off on the right foot, we asked our entire community for their number one goal, and then compiled a list of our favorites.

“Plant some new flowerbeds and take 10 minutes of each day appreciating the environment around me! I really want to focus on how beautiful all the trees, sunsets, flowers, and people around me are.”

This year, we took a new approach to our New Year’s post. Instead of telling you OUR own resolutions, we sorted through thousands of our community’s resolutions and goals, and then choose 20 that we found best represent the common themes throughout.

I hope these inspire you and hope you ideate new ideas to help you live your best life in 2020. Enjoy!

20 of our Favorite New Year’s Resolutions for 2020:

  1. “Slow down, find balance, and live unapologetically authentic.”
  2. “Less social media, log 365 miles running, read the Bible daily, and quit an addicting habit!”
  3. “Be more gracious to others and myself. Allow space for peace, growth, and healthy boundaries.”
  4. “Reframe “have to” to “get to”.”
  5. “My top resolution is give my family and God as much attention as I do my career.”
  6. “To get the heck out of my own way and let the miraculous come raining down!”
  7. “My top New Year’s resolution is to be a better communicator and to be the best wife and partner that I can be.”
  8. “To practice minimalism; reduce spending on non-essentials, purge my closet of items I no longer wear, and evaluate what’s really necessary in terms of relationships, objects and activities.”
  9. “Make more time to stop, unplug, be present, and feel grateful for everything and every one around me. Being in the moment is difficult sometimes when juggling marriage, work, kids and fit life so I will be successful at “stopping to smell the roses” often this year.”
  10. “Experience more culture and travel more. Subject myself to the discomfort of change and growth, and to not block any blessings.”
  11. “As cheesy as it sounds, my resolution is to THINK before I speak. Ask myself; is it truthful, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind?”
  12. “My New Years resolution is to focus on health rather than size!”
  13. “Get better at saying NO to things (and being ok with it!) … so I can have more me time.”
  14. “My goal for 2020 is to be consistent while also being present. Consistently work on my health in all aspects- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I want to live in each moment and cherish them. I hope to work on myself so I can help others who need me the most.”
  15. “Be comfortable I my own skin. Find a way to incorporate fitness into my daily activity and improve my self confidence.”
  16. “Continue to be steadfast in the goals I’ve set. Continue being alcohol free, and continue striving to be my best healthiest self.”
  17. “Plant some new flowerbeds and take 10 minutes of each day appreciating the environment around me! I really want to focus on how beautiful all the trees, sunsets, flowers, and people around me are.”
  18. “To really start connecting with God again. To be at Church every Sunday, whether with my family or not. To take special time out of my day to spend with Him, even when it seems like life has me “too busy”.”
  19. “Be more intentional, patient, and grateful in all aspects of my life.”
  20. “Declutter my life, and eliminate the negative. If it doesn’t bring health, happiness and positivity to my life, it is time to let go of it. 2020 is about being the best version of me that I can be, physically, mentally, and spiritually!”

And there you have them…

our favorite team unico resolutions to help you live your best life in 2020.

We would like to thank EVERYONE who submitted their resolutions for this list. It was not easy picking out 20 from the thousands that we received- and we read SO many amazing and uplifting goals.

From specific weight loss goals to moving to new countries to learning new languages and skills…we were blown away by how motivated, kind, and creative all of our #unicoFam really are. We hope every single one of these goals are achieved in 2020 because they truly will make the world a better place if so.

While we had a TON of variety in the resolution submissions that we received, there were a few common themes this year, that are worth sharing:

Three Most Common Themes:

  1. Being present: We chose a flower theme for the image of this post because so many of us want to really stop and smell the roses this year.
  2. Reduce Clutter: Whether physically or emotionally, there is a desire to streamline and simplify in 2020.
  3. Being True to Yourself: Amidst all the expectations of modern life, it can be hard to stand strong in who we are. But in 2020, our #UnicoFam will strive to be unapologetically authentic!

Recommended Reading:

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